The False Messiah and the Return of Issa

The False Messiah and the Return of Issa

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The False Messiah and the Return of Issa

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This book is a compilation of prophetic narratives and the words of Islamic scholars concerning the false messiah. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa salam) said: "The dajjâl will not come out until people have forgotten him in their conversations and the imams no longer mention him from their pulpits". "There is not since the creation of Adam until the coming of the Hour, a creature greater than the dajjâl." "I fear not the temptations (troubles) among you more than the temptation of the dajjâl. No trial, great or small, is comparable to his." This book also deals with a number of prophecies preceding the advent of the Hour. It describes the times and places where these events will take place and, above all, how the believer can guard against them.

Translation: Abdelkarim ZENTICI - Graduate of the Islamic University of Medina.

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