The night journey

The night journey

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Le Voyage Nocturne

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Allh swt granted the Prophet (saw), through this journey, what He had given to no one else. Muhammed (saw) went beyond the heavens, beyond the universe to where no human was allowed to go before him. Better still, he went where even the Angel Gabriel had never gone before, to find himself "at least two bows away" from his Lord (Qur'an: 53, 9). The Prophet (saw) crossed the heavens one by one and met the other Prophets there. Over and above its spatial significance, this episode has a primordial spiritual meaning: if the Messenger of God (saw) was able to rise constantly from heaven to heaven, meeting each time the Prophets residing in those heavens, he was continually climbing the heavens and surpassing their inhabitants, both physically and spiritually. Eventually, he reached the Lotus of the Limit, where no angel or Prophet had ever set foot before him.

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